Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Santizo Project

As some of you may know, I just returned from spending 3 weeks in Antigua, Guatemla, May 16th - June 5th. My goal in going there was to attend a Spanish Language School and grow in my Spanish. I went on my own and stayed with a host family while I was there. I had an awesome experience learning more about the language and culture in Guatemala.

While I was there Guatemala experienced some extreme natural disasters; an earthquake, sink holes, a volcanic eruption and a tropical storm. The combination of the large amounts of ash from the volcano and the torrential rains from the storm created mud slides that wiped out many homes. Thousands of people have lost everything and have been greatly affected. Crops have been destroyed, which are the main source of income for many people living there. Many people have died, some are extremely injured and many still missing. The devastation there is beyond description.

(Volcano Pacaya erupting)

(Sink hole in the middle of an intersection)

I was able to spend one day working in a town close to Antigua where a family’s house had been hit by a mudslide in combination with all the heavy rain. All their cars were half in mud and the mud reached up to my knees and even my hips in some spots. It was unbelievable! I spent 4 hours shoveling mud and only a small dent was made in the large quantities of mud that needed to be shoveled out of their house and street. And this is only one family, in this town alone, there were thousands of other people in similar situations. It will take months and years for some of these family’s lives to be restored.

(backyard full of mud)

(me working in the mud)

In being there and seeing this devastation first hand, the Lord instilled a passion to not just come home and continue with normal life, sleeping in my warm bed, wearing clean clothes and eating good food, but to step out and help in some way. My teacher, Anabella Santizo, and her family have experienced financial hardships but have intentionally stepped out in faith by providing for the families affected by these disasters. The way her and her family are being the hands and feet of Jesus has inspired me to partner with her to create The Santizo Project.

(Anabella and me)

The most powerful thing we can do is PRAY for the people of Guatemala and trust Jesus to minister to their hearts and lives. Also, please prayerfully consider how you might be called to partner with us.

One way you can give…

* Donate an amount of money you feel led to give

All money given will be sent to purchase toiletries, food and items needed to start a new life, such as beds, small ovens, furniture and other necessary household things. The cost of these items is much less in Guatemala, so our monetary gifts would be most beneficial and a huge blessing.

You can donate money through paypals on the right side tab using the DONATE button. This money will go DIRECTLY to the families in need!

If you have any questions or thoughts please feel free to comment.

Thanks for taking time to prayerfully consider how the Lord may be asking you to step out and meet the needs of the people in Guatemala.



“From everyone who has been given much, much will be required; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.” Luke 12:48b


    Sooo proud of you for taking action and DOING something.

    Yay! Love you!

  2. Hey! Found your blog through your sister Ria! I can't wait to read more! I love that you are doing this and being obedient to Christ's calling! way to go! :)
